Working With Businesses Who Embrace the Infinite Game Mindset

The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek

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I just finished 'The Infinite Game', by Simon Sinek, author of another insightful book, 'Start with Why'. Sinek offers a mindful and intentional perspective on leadership - a 'first principles' approach. He provides advice on what we can do to play the infinite, long-term game, both in business and life — in other words, not just playing to win in the immediate (a finite game), but rather in serving a just cause and working hard to achieve it. The moon shot as it were.

I take Sinek advice to heart: those who have an infinite mindset are the ones that will thrive in today's economy. People reward companies who stick to their vision and demonstrate over time their commitment to their values. Companies with such a mindset, demonstrate their integrity and trust to the market.

“The rules of an infinite game are changeable while infinite games have no defined endpoint. There are no winners or losers—only ahead and behind.” - Simon Sinek


Working With Companies That Embrace an Infinite Mindset

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Working with companies that embrace an infinite mindset are the companies I want to do business. Expressing their vision creatively, with the power of video, is a just cause worthy of giving voice, helping them thrive in 2020 and beyond.