Why Your Promotional Video Can Benefit From Three-Point Lighting

Why Does Lighting Matter, Particularly Three-Point Lighting?

Proper lighting in video is essential to help the subject stand out and differentiate themselves from the background. A quality soft light helps compliment the subject's skin, but also makes the talent' pop.' Pop in terms of differentiating themselves from the background, creating the sharpness and definition we expect from a higher-end interview or talking-head promotional video. Accentuating the subject from the background is often best achieved through a technique called 'three-point lighting.'


Three-Point Lighting

Three-point lighting is one of the oldest and widely adopted lighting techniques used in shooting video. The method consists of three lights – a key light, fill light and backlight.

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Key Light

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The Key light is the central light. It is usually the strongest and has the most significant influence on the look of the scene. It is placed to one side of the subject so that one side is lit and the other side has some shadow.

Fill Light

The fill light is the secondary light. It is placed on the opposite side of the key light. The light 'fills' the shadows created by the key. The fill is often softer than the key light. This can be achieved through the distance of the light or by simply turning down the light's brightness.

Back Light

The backlight is placed behind the subject. It fills the rear of the talent's head. Its purpose is to help define and highlights the subject from the background.


Soften Your Key Light by 'Damping' It With a Sheet or Paper

When lighting your subject, too strong of a light can blow out the highlights of your subject's face, which essentially means that the detail in the highlights will become lost. The camera can only capture so many ranges of light, so by damping the brightness of the light, with a sheet or paper, you allow the skin colour of the subject to more lightly exposed, retaining the details in the highlights. A 'softer' light is more flattering to the skin and avoids unattractive shadows that can be cast on the face by too bright of a light.

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Consider lighting next time you shoot your next promotional video. Lighting will help your subject 'pop', complimenting their skin and giving you that more professional look and feel your audience expects.