The Importance of Dynamic Range for Your Promotional Video

Considering dynamic range is essential for a cinematic image, as it allows more degrees in terms of light, which is closer to what the human eye captures. Let me explain:


The Human Eye & Dynamic Range of a Camera

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Dynamic range is the ratio between the maximum and minimum measurable light intensities. Cameras have different dynamic ranges, depending on the power of the sensor. For instance, the human eye can capture 24 stops of light, while a typical DSLR camera can capture up to 12 stops. The 6K Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera I work with has 13 stops of light! Higher-end cameras, such a what is used on Hollywood film sets, like ARRI cameras or a RED, have up to 17 stops of light.

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Taking Full Advantage of Dynamic Range of Your Camera

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When you can expose the shot correctly, without losing any detail in the highlights (the brighter part of the image) and the shadows (the darkest part of the picture), you are taking full advantage of your cameras dynamic range. This is why people shoot in RAW formats or 'flat profiles' (i.e. such as S-log and C-log) as it allows for a higher amount of stops of light. Capturing the full dynamic range for your camera is pleasing on the eye, as it's closer to what the natural eye naturally picks up in terms of gradience of light. Taking full advantage of the dynamic range of your camera is an essential component of capturing what is often referred to as a 'cinematic image.'

In this video, I describe the importance of dynamic range and natural light in capturing an interview.